Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Party (A New Perspective)

The students at Trinity University celebrated the Halloween tradition this past weekend. Calvert ghosts, the ritual that keeps freshman streaking around campus annually, was in full effect the night of October 31st. Even though Sunday was the actual date of Halloween, costume parties had been going on since the Wednesday before. Halloween just seems to keep students celebrating for days at a time.

Once again, the football team had an away game Saturday and came back just in time to throw another party. This was probably the worst time for me to break my collarbone during football because everyone thought I was in costume when in fact I was in pain. However, the immobility forced me to take on the party from a different perspective. I am usually in the middle of the dancefloor, socializing, and basically trying to be the life of the party. But with this injury, I was forced to stay on the outskirts and observe. The one thing I did notice was that everything and everyone was, in general, more sloppy. Conversations seemed less meaningful, the costumes were ridiculous, and no matter how hard I tried people still bumped into me.

Original Pumpkin Drawing

Although I am pretty bummed out about my injury, it was still interesting to see the party from a different perspective. And if you were wondering, I was dressed like a guy with a broken collarbone for Halloween.

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